He wouldnt give me ANY attention. .i dont think you should let him make that choice. What more is there for a woman to give a man? She has never snapped at me or anyone again.She only barks when someone is outside she doesnt know, and all I have to do is tell her, thats enough. I have a pintrest board dedicated to shih tzus and golden doodles. Now he has his own backyard so he is outside for nearly 9 hours a day. Although, I still find I question how a man could prefer a dog to a loving, slender, tender human wife? He always chooses me over her now because he knows Im the pack leader. If this is the case, that can be the reason why your husband/boyfriend needs to rehome the dog. The dog drives me crazy. They hate your dog. And right again about when they die shell get more because she will have wasted her life on animals and have no idea how to connect w a human nor understand them. Its a change for both of us. I Did the same. I also have the same issue with my cat! i cannot stand this animal. Please fill out all required fields to submit your message. Take off your tinfoil hat Do dogs even understand what monogamy is? She says if I do so she will leave me. I keep telling myself that the novelty of having the dog will wear off and he will soon be back to giving me the kisses and cuddlesbut its hard to sit back and wait till that happens, and what if it doesnt. Im a pretty neat person and i know the hair especially would drive me up the wall. I just assumed it was a bit like were not getting a cat (weve got a rescued stray cat and he adores her) and I dont want a pet lizard and now weve had a female bearded dragon for 7 years that he absolutely dotes on. They will complain and cry at first but you cannot give in. I remember not too long after we had out child, one night she came back out 5 times in a 10-15 minute period to tell the dog good night and I love you. I dont even understand why she wants to keep it, she forgets to feed/water it at times. My girlfriend has a dog who Ive been polite with and tend to when Im the only one around. My boyfriend can't handle that this dog is bouncy, happy to see him and that he wants to cuddle with him. Basically, my girlfriend does not have the ability to create boundaries or is willing to instill some discipline with the dog. This Is so hard and your exactly right about the strange things dog addicts allow! People get dogs for their own selfish reasons, treat them like humans, and it ends up being so detrimental to the poor dog. Actually I believe he may have been a narcissist. This exactly my issue.. love dogs and have had them but I believe in a well training obedient happy dog not one like you mentioned.. and when them not willing to try to fix.. and not understand.. that is challenge.. getting the understanding and I feel quilty because most family and friends dont like the dog..and it isnt here fault it is his creation of her.. she is very sweet and I have lots of very expensive and nice things that are not easily replaceable not big on material things but they are family heirlooms and gifts.. plus I get easily nauseated by smell of dog.. Im trying to not be part of the dislike club.. If you want to change the way you do something with your petsfor example, allowing Fido to sleep in the bed or taking more frequent walks with your pet and your partnertalk to your partner before taking the plunge rather than making a decision and expecting him or her to abide by it. Hed sit in a recliner to the left of his sofa. I can say this with experience. That is the hardest part. He got to keep his and i felt it unfair. I think its disgusting to be honest! Remember this a like a giant female Labrador. Why would you want your dog in the kitchen where human food is prepared and served? We have hair and slobber everywhere in our home that I wind up cleaning on a daily basis and I still absolutely adore this dog. Weve already decided that when this dog leaves us, we are never getting another one. Im Italian, I react! Like children, her Facebook feed is full of dog posts and her friends include a long list of other dog fanatics, each egging one another on to largely imaginary dangers and an ever-expanding requirement of expensive things dogs need. Everything revolves around this dog. Its absolutely killing me and I dont want to lose either of them :(. Your bf has anthropomorphized the animals into his lover. I feel like Im watching over a two year old every day. He has rescued two cats and three dogs over the years. Your lucky that she knows how to behave. When the relationship starts to go downhill, they cling to the dog more almost in a weird attempt at inducing jealousy. Time to find a new spousewithout the dog. Not loved his dog, he was in love with his dog. I dislike this dogs disposition and annoying attributes but I can deal with that. Then WE decided to get a puppy yorkie just 3 months ago. My husband tried and got s ratch pretty bad so he kicked them. Dude Im in the same situation its been like this for idk how many months. A lot of peple commenting on here have been outright rude to say people need therapy for loving their dogs too much or treating them like humans. I think I know who is wrong. My partner was ok with it but every now and again says he doesnt like it. Professional training has to happen and if you dont have the money for it dont consider getting a pet with considering the likely hood youll find a significant other one day who might not like pets or want that responsibility even if he or she can tolerate them. However, he rarely comes over after work and complains if I ask him to. I dont dislike pets but they have their own place-my bed is not that! I still get to see him occasionally & even get to keep him when they go on vacation. (He used to tell me on our early dates (together four years), that were dog oriented, how people looking at us giving glances were checking out his dog (not me). It wont change believe me. Even in other peoples houses dog owners want to let their mutts do what they want. Home Terms of Service Privacy Policy Sitemap Subscribe to The GoodTherapy Blog. My bf refuses to train them, and it has worsened the quality of my life. About a year and a half after dating we found out we were pregnant. All I am asking for is to have one room of my own this isnt overrun by dog hair. If it werent for having a child with him Id be off out of there as soon as possible. I could easily tell she was hurting, so I comforted her. He got defensive and started crying and said what do you want me to do?! She paws and scratches at my side of th bed all night. I suffer from asthma (maybe cats.. idk yet) and it can be life threatening yet these animal lovers feel the pets come before human family. This thing is hyper and destructive, and my husband refuses to make it ever behave. Even more frustrating, this 15 year old pitbull acts no older than 4 or 5 years of age. I truly in all my heart believe that people who choose animal relationships over human ones need therapy. We have a Great Dane 2 year old with no issues. Because my GF allows it now all people must suffer. She was well trained, stayed home with family when we traveled. He had me promise that I would train a new one as well as I did my last. He does night shift most of the time n i live with my mother in law. After she got the second one, everything was about the dogs. In this process, its almost like these people lose the appreciation (or ability) for having a healthy relationship with a human being later on. He was sweet enough to my dog and would even go as far as go search for him if he went missing. My boyfriend refused to let me go over the issue of fur. He smells SOOO bad!!!! 7.2M subscribers in the relationship_advice community. Can I put my foot down? Trying to force me into doing these things with threats and a bunch of sh*t talking to me. For myself, as a child my family had dogs, cats, birds, fish, and even a turtle. You would be cruel to the dog, and still have an irresponsible ah for a boyfriend. She doesnt bark to let us know she needs to go outside like our other dog. Yup, dog is still there. He didnt want to go, because he couldnt miss his babies for 7 days. I had always boarded my pets, knowing they didnt particularly like it, but they were safe and fed and were happy to see me when I returned. The owners (in this case it s your boyfriends, girlfriends ) do not know how to train a dog ! Im willing to work something out with the dog/chewing situation but weve tried everything we can think of. Its a fine thing for her to love her dog, but that doesnt make it okay for her to force its presence on you. Im at a loss. Now lets talk about my dog, hes house trained and not aggressive at all. Sometimes I got short breathed because of all the dog hair that is flying through the air and I cant sleep because of all the movements on the bed and the noises. The dog is very sweet and pretty well-behaved with me. Were you a dog as a child? I recently got very upset bc his dog peed on some VERY expensive furniture & my bf told me I need to drop it bc hes sick of hearing me complain about his dog & hes tired of it being an issue. I think the marriage should be prioirity number 1 and that both parties should agree on this. Maybe an older dog that has less energy. She has made me want to live again and taught me loving kindness. But they always had strict boundaries, training and manners. I hurt inside feeling the way I do about this dog, and whenever I try to talk to my boyfriend about how I feel he just says its stupid your jealous of a dog, its just dumb, everyone loves my dog. Just to add to my previous problem, discussed issue again with spouse. Pets are not disposable. When the dog is not around, (because his dad will take the dog to camp with him) everything is great, but when the dog comes back its terrible. My current girlfriend is pushing for us to live together, she has a parrot and two dogs. For starters we agreed no dogs on the couch as it is my couch, we also agreed that she will sleep in a kennel. We have a great time together and have great chemistry. It violates their conscience. I dont mind a quick sniff when someone walks in but she goes on non stop getting full hair on you. Its to the point where if he does not get rid of her room, I am going to leave him. (Not as in physically harming, I dont hit people, but as in literally just touching). Reading through these comments, Im so glad Im not alone! Any helpful advice please? So if your relationship with your man is important, might I suggest you find temporary homes for your dogs, for a month or more, to give you both a breather and some quiet time with each other to work on a stronger relationship without any animal distractions. Hitting an animal is never acceptable a puppy is just like a baby it needs love and attenion he learns from play just like children. I have recently been given an ultimatum to give up him or the dogs. This is why women ends up lonely with a dog for the rest of the life. It is annoying to the point of ruining my mood, even if it does only last a few minutes! I call B.S. His Sara it turned out he was a narcissist abuser who nearly successfully killed me, I lef him in January this year and Im writing a book on it. Things are getting bad. He was used to being indoors quite a bit when we lived in our old apartment. Hes had this dog for six years prior to me, so shes been with him for a long time. I dont know when this started, but she has also started peeing in the bed. I am discussed with them and cannot express my frustration without creating an issue. I visit friends with cats, but its not the same. He promised me he would take her downstairs to sleep in his parents bed but tonight he just got into bed and started cuddling her and refused to take her down. They dont know any better. I dont want dos on the couch but this dog feels no matter how many times you yell and discipline for it he continues to do it. im just not sure i can make it till hes no longer in the picture. Im getting to the point that I want to give it away because its a threat to my baby. But, they can pay for them, care for them, take them to the vet, pick up their poo, bathe them, get up at the butt crack of dawn to let them out, this and that. I hate that dog! Also I would recommend getting a male dog, the female are too much and too aggressive and much more work IMO. He resented the cat for the love I showed it, perhaps he was jealous, but I am not unaffectionate towards him? I am not a dog person so I leave the animal care to her. We were the owners, the dogs did what we wanted no ifs ands or buts about it. I grew from loving him to hating him! They prefer their relationship with their dogs because they can control that better than a human one. Oh hell no. I can tell she isnt happy with the dog there, with the way life is. I have read many comments that put the blame on the SO who has the issue with the pet. I.e., Move to a new house. Just like the other stories I have read, its like the dog runs the house. I told him that he either needs to take her and come up with the deposit for the condo, pay me for all my efforts of cleaning her mud and poop like doggy day care, or stop by every morning and take her to doggy daycare on his way to work. Since it was an "accident" the narcissist will argue you are blaming them for your dog's bad . The first pup we obtained from a breeder passed away at 11 weeks old. I have been thinking about training (his dogs are a little older), but I know you have to set boundaries, but I think that is not going to happen. It might be a little difficult for the dog at first to adjust, but that is what proper training is for. if the puppy pees I get yelled at. The fact that this dog is so unmannerly and disobedient bothers the shit out of me!!! So to me the thought of rehoming a dog because it suddenly doesnt fit in with your new boyfriend arrangement is pretty low. Help! I say that its a cop-out, and those people are deceived into believing that an animal can give them the love that they are searching for, the love that can really only be provided by another human. Petsitting misbehaving dogs who may miss their humans is not the wisest plan of action either. Now you have to fully commit and promise that you will never leave this person no matter their flaws after having them make such a big emotional sacrifice for you. I guess my advice is to ride it out because its not for forever. Even though she knows to go outside shell go upstairs and pee or poop in the kids rooms or our bathroom. (chihuahuas) those dogs are little demons that got sent to earth. And I dont at all understand the idea of not liking a particular dog. We all go into relationships expecting our partners to be normal-rational humans that treat dogs like animals and not god-beings. But apparently it was my fault because she walked in front of me while I was looking Ina store window. My boyfriend and I just moved in together and he is okay with the dog living here with us. My bf make excuses for the dog. Over the years Ive taken in three rescues that i got as puppies. She is terrified of him she can sense he does not like her. A dog can never give you what a baby can and people annoy the crap out of me when they say this. I dont know. So like your dog could be perfectly fine where its at and you deliberately interrupt that to CALL in into your human bed? Shes training them to bark because they bark and get their way!!! And as I said, it is not her fault for being so sheddy and stinky. If you guys are having troubles over PETS, the relationship is never going to last, anyway. Yes I agree by going to another room she chose him over you. He is asking me to consider changing my entire life. They arent a child, are they? You should NEVER be violent towards any animals. We tried once I had a terrible anxiety attack that didnt go away until we gave the dog back. All dogs can learn as long as they are properly trained. I didnt know how blurred the line had became between him and his dog? Spend the $50-100 to see a trainer. My last cat was a Pixie Bob, 8 years old when he died from a Pitbull getting loose and using him as a toy. God made man and woman to live together, what God has joined together, nobody can not separate, much less a useless dog. Girlfriends ) do not know how blurred the line had became between him and his dog was about the did. Okay with the dog/chewing situation but weve tried everything we can think of can it... To shih tzus and golden doodles the years Ive taken in three rescues that i got puppies! To live together, she forgets to feed/water it at times tinfoil hat dogs. 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